Owner’s Rep Services
TYpical project timeline
Prepare a full master schedule for the project, including all phases of consultant procurement, design, preconstruction, construction and move-in.
Monitor, update and maintain the project schedule through the life of the project.
Set up a preliminary project budget with estimated costs for all aspects of the project - land & predevelopment costs, owner management, communications & marketing, permits & fees, finance costs, utility connection fees, insurance, design consultants, testing & inspection costs, construction, FF&E, moving-in & contingencies.
Track contingency use and maintain a contingency use log.
Enter actual costs and update the budget monthly.
Maintain a final estimate budget including projected future costs.
Prepare budget reports monthly as required.
Identify and solicit suitable professionals - architects, engineers, consultants etc. to propose on the project.
Prepare and issue RFQ's or RFP's (Request for Qualifications / Proposals).
Evaluate responses and set up interviews for short-listed proposers.
Prepare bid comparison summaries and recommendations for Owner review.
Draft, negotiate and execute design, engineering and other consultant contracts - which may include civil, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, telephone/data, audio-visual, DAS, interior design, food service, landscaping, geotechnical, lighting, ADA, fire alarm & suppression, signage, security, envelope, LEED/sustainability, vertical transportation, acoustical and others.
Schedule and organize the initial design charrette and all other design phase meetings.
Review and assist Owner with review of design documents through the various phases of design - programmatic, schematic, design development (DD's), construction documents (CD's).
Provide independent 'sanity check' thoughts on design iterations, ideas, constructability, material and finishes selections.
Ensure timely submission of construction documents for building permitting and to other AHJ's or authorities as relevant for the project, or as required.
Solicit and contract with a soil testing agency for a geotechnical investigation of the project site if needed.
Solicit and contract with an environmental assessment firm if needed on a brownfield site. Solicit, contract with and manage abatement contractor if needed.
Prepare RFP and procure testing agency proposals. Negotiate an appropriate and realistic quality inspection & testing schedule for the project. Execute a direct Owner agreement with the testing agency.
Selection of the appropriate form of contract
Prepare the GC RFP documents.
Identify suitably experienced GC's with an interest, capability and capacity to pursue the project.
Publish the RFP and respond to GC questions.
Evaluate RFP responses and conduct interviews with short-listed proposers.
Prepare bid comparison summaries and recommendations for Owner review.
Draft, negotiate and execute the general contractor agreement.
Review and negotiate final contract price and time depending on the form of contract selected.
Review and negotiate the preliminary detailed construction schedule.
Review subcontractor award requests and scope of work documents.
Review submittals and monitor submittal flow through the professional team.
Review contractor RFI's and design team responses to ensure Q's and A's are in the best interests of the Owner and the project.
Attend all OAC (Owner-Architect-Contractor) meetings as the Owner's Representative. Report back to the Owner and discuss issues and decisions needed in order to keep the project on schedule and on budget.
Review contractor and design team pay applications and process for payment. Review and check all lien contractor and subcontractor waivers.
Review and respond to change order requests. Review change order pricing and extension of time requests.
Attend design team site walks and monitor project progress and quality.
If required by the Owner, produce monthly/milestone construction reports and dashboard summaries for management / BoD.
Review and respond to contractual claims and other contract issues.
Review all contractor warranties, as-built drawings, O&M manuals and other close-out documents.
Assist in the organization of Owner / Facility Manager training sessions and materials.
Solicit and contract with FF&E suppliers in coordination with the project interior designer. Monitor and assist FF&E contractors with delivery and move-in of all owner furniture and equipment.
Close out general contractor final pay application and all supporting lien waiver documents.
Finalize and close-out all Owner-direct subcontracts, consultants and suppliers.
Monitor and follow-up on warranty period issues.
Organize and attend warranty walks during at at the end of the warranty period.
Work for the best interest of the Owner. Intervene as needed and advocate for the Owner’s goals for the project.
Manage the project relationships of the players involved in the project - general contractor, architects & engineers, municipal authorities, lawyers, financial institutions and others.
Assist the team by providing technical support, design & construction experience and industry knowledge.
Manage conflicts.
Ensure the project comes in on time and in budget.
In the end, it’s about providing the Owner with peace of mind and the result they envisioned.

High Performance Team Building
Facilitation for Project Partnering Kick Off and Follow Up Meetings
Executive Coaching to assist Business Leaders develop skills and strategies to optimize personal and business performance.